Identity YAMBI association

YAMBI & the Citizen Corridor for Ukraine

Citizen Corridor for Ukraine

Within the framework of the Citizen Corridor co-founded by our president Clélia Compas, our teams left for the Polish-Ukrainian border from the 5th to the 19th of March 2022 in order to transport nearly 400 tons of humanitarian material from several cities - Annecy, Marseille, Besançon, Paris.

We then set up, in collaboration with humanitarian centers at the Polish-Ukrainian border, a system for registering people wishing to go to France and for centralizing citizen initiatives of solidarity buses from various French cities. The collective was thus able to organize the evacuation of more than 700 people fleeing Ukraine to France.

While the Citizen's Corridor was at the beginning only an initiative of YAMBI, we decided to make it a full-fledged association, entirely dedicated to the Ukrainian crisis. Like YAMBI, the Citizen's Corridor is domiciled in Haute-Savoie and chaired by Clélia Compas.

Today, the Corridor Citoyen continues its operations in Poland with the support of YAMBI and in coordination with local actors, the French Embassy in Poland, as well as the prefectures and the French government.

However, we do not intend to stay in Poland. All means are implemented by the collective to call different actors to replace us. This includes an advocacy campaign with the French government and the media. Our request for a state humanitarian corridor was published in an article in L'Express.

Visit the Citizen's Corridor website to learn more and support us!

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